Theme Helpcenter



Global product settings can be found in this section. To access this, navigate to: Customizer > Theme Settings > Products


Enables the Quickview option on your theme.

Products grid

Change the product grid image ratio if needed.


Use the name you would like to use for swatches. The name you chose has to match the variant label on the product admin page.

Size guide

Use the correct name to match the size variant name on the product admin page.

Show product swatches

Enable this option to show the product swatches if needed. We have set default color names and assigned RGB colors to them by default.

Show in grid product swatches.

Enable this option to show the product swatches on the product grid.

Use swatch images from files

Enable this option if you would like to show custom uploaded swatches. The image must be named the swatch option and uploaded as a `.png.’ file. Upload the image to the Files section of your Shopify admin (Settings > Files).

Swatches style

Change the swatch style to Round (default) or Square style.

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