Mojave Theme Release Notes

Version 2.0.10 December 15th, 2023

We've added some general fixes and improvements to the Mojave Theme.

Fixes and Other Improvements

  • Country selector flag display has changed with Shopify native flag codes.
  • Resolved the drawer menu issue where the menu was not displaying correctly in some situations.
  • Fixed the Shop The Look overlapping issue.
  • Resolved the issue where the collections section was not getting a custom image.
  • Fixed the featured products grid view swiper arrows viewing issue.
  • Resolved the issue where the collections breadcrumb was always showing.
  • Fixed the newsletter popup Style 2 button design issue.
  • Resolved the issue where Style 2 layout of the product page had extra space below the quantity.
  • Fixed the issue where the free shipping threshold value was not displaying correctly in the cart page.

Version 2.0.9 November 1st, 2023

We've added some general fixes and improvements to the Mojave Theme.

Fixes and Other Improvements

  • Adjusted the megamenu width to improve its appearance on larger screens.
  • Implemented an improvement to make the product gallery sticky, providing smoother user experience.
  • Resolved the issue where thumbs were not displaying correctly in some situations on the product page.
  • Rectified the issue where images were missing in the related products part on the product page.
  • Fixed the vertical alignment text issue in the hero section.

Version 2.0.8 October 23, 2023

We've added general fixes and improvements for Mojave Theme

Fixes and Other Improvements

  • Updated SplideJS script with SwiperJS for better performance and functionality, excluding PDP. (PDP will be updated in the next release.)
  • Changed the image snippet with native Shopify image snippet for better performance has been implemented
  • Added the ability to edit the collection list page
  • Improved the color swatches functionality with custom swatch images and colors
  • Banner can now link without using any text, heading, or CTA
  • Rectified the Mobile Menu long menu elements issue has been fixed
  • Bug in the mobile menu where menu style was not clickable has been fixed
  • Addressed the translations issue on clearing the filter button has been fixed
  • Resolved the issue with the password page missing codes
  • Hero Slide internal video not displaying has been resolved
  • Unused assigns are removed
  • Missing translations are added

Version 2.0.7 July 10, 2023

We've added general fixes and improvements for Mojave Theme

Fixes and Other Improvements

  • Mandatory Update for Shop CTA has been implemented.
  • Mandatory Update for Gift Card Recipients has been implemented.
  • Accordions not appearing on Gift Card products issue has been fixed.
  • Product card inline link issue has been fixed.

Version 2.0.6 May 1, 2023

We've added general fixes and improvements for Mojave Theme

Fixes and Other Improvements

  • The flip layout problem in the featured collection has been addressed.
  • The issue with content centering in the hero section has been resolved.
  • The flickering text problem on slides for iOS devices has been corrected.
  • The zoom in/out functionality issue with touchpad in Safari has been resolved.
  • The test data problem on the search page has been fixed.

Version 2.0.5 - April 10, 2023

We've added general fixes and improvements for Mojave Theme


  • Mandatory update for query suggestions and predictive search has been implemented.
  • Mandatory update for section groups has been implemented.
  • Hero gradient option setting has been added.

Fixes and Other Improvements

  • Pagespeed optimizations have been made.
  • Theme templates converted to JSON format and optimizations have been made.
  • Password reset page button issue has been fixed.
  • Section groups improvement has been made.
  • Product information setting improvement has been made.
  • Flip layout issue for featured collection has been fixed.
  • Accordion title improvement has been made.

Version 2.0.4 - March 06,2023

We've added general fixes and improvements for Mojave theme

Fixes and Other Improvements

  • Video strech issue on mobile and full-hero has been fixed.
  • Quick view font sizes issue has been fixed.
  • Accordion padding issue has been fixed for mobile FAQ.
  • Label issue has been fixed in mobile.
  • Navigation font size issue has been fixed.
  • Quantity label misalignment issue has been fixed.
  • Button full width stretching issue has been fixed.
  • Quantity area seperate row issue has been fixed.
  • Spacing issue between button elements has been fixed.
  • Missing translations issue has been fixed.
  • Review starts alignment issue has been fixed.
  • Popup alignment issue in the PDP page has been fixed.
  • Italian language file issue has been fixed.
  • Contact form name issue has been fixed.
  • Pickup availability issue in the product template has been fixed.
  • Spacing issue above the Buy It Know button has been fixed.
  • Reviews styling issue has been fixed.
  • Google map marker issue has been fixed.
  • Tagged items alignment issue has been fixed.

Version 2.0.3 - January 15, 2023

We've added general fixes and improvements for Mojave theme

Fixes and Other Improvements

  • Size area has been aligned to the add to cart button
  • White spacing issue in the PDP page while scrolling has been fixed
  • PDP Page star alignment issue has been fixed
  • The line overflow issue for the comments on the blog detail page has been fixed
  • Mobile version for filters on PLP has been improved
  • The rounded corners borders on the contact form has been fixed
  • Pop-up box widget alignment in the PDP has been re-aligned
  • The hero banner on the homepage has had performance upgrades
  • Deprecated image tags and Syntax errors has been fixed


  • All zoom animations have been removed
  • Fade effect removed from Hero, Collections Hero and PDP Images
  • Image position settings removed due to needlessness after Focal Point Implementation in 2.0.2 Mojave Version

Version 2.0.2 - January 09, 2023


  • Focal Points has been implemented.

Fixes and Other Improvements

  • Navigation image blurryness has been fixed

Version 2.0.1 - December 23, 2022

General fixes and improvements for Mojave theme


  • Default starting of the sections with the above and other sections instead of full width property has been added.
  • Mega Menu added for MARBLK preset.

Fixes and Other Improvements

  • Liquid error when uploaded big image has been fixed.
  • Mobile issue for The shop The Look has been fixed.
  • Shop by room and product link limitations has been fixed.
  • Transparent images showing background color problem has been fixed.
  • The problem of the Wrong alignment of the line when no navigation is selected has been fixed.
  • Double link problem for the Collection Link has been fixed.

Version 2.0.0 - December 19, 2022

We've added new DECOR Preset, cart drawer, height and logo resizer/enlarger options and fixes has been made for search function and image related bugs


  • Decor preset added for home & decor category
  • Cart Drawer options are added for hiding View Cart button and Additional Payments
  • Option to resize and enlarge the logo in the footer has been added
  • Height settings option for making the sections smaller when needed

Fixes and Other Improvements

  • Image addition function for Multi Column Text Section
  • Enable Search Utility functionality for Theme Settings
  • Spacing after add to cart above the images has been fixed
  • Border/shadow problem near the 'Featured collection' has been fixed by Images Background Color Settings change under Theme Settings
  • Slow loading of the Compressed Image in the navigation problem has been fixed.

Version 1.0.9 - November 11, 2022

We've added font sizes, shadow settings and improved product related functions, removed any workaround of manual metafield solutions


  • Ability to make the font smaller then 100%
  • Shadow settings control optimization

Fixes and Other Improvements

  • Increased width fix for Logo
  • Slider with thumbnails fix
  • The product recommendations API has been updated to support querying two product recommendation “intents”:
  • “Related products” - products that are similar to the current product, e.g. possible substitutes (“You might also like”)
  • “Complementary products” - products often bought in addition to the current product (“Pair it with”)
  • The Shopify Search & Discovery app has been updated to show merchants they can define related products and complementary products separately. Existing merchant-defined products will be automatically treated as ‘related products’.
  • Product recommendation API calls that don’t specify an intent will be treated as calls to ‘related’ intent and return Shopify-generated related products and any merchant-defined related products.
  • The API call for complementary products will only return merchant-defined ones at launch, but will eventually include auto-generated ones as well.


  • Any workaround manual metafield solutions should no longer be used.

Version 1.0.8 - October 6, 2022

We've added image and font related improvements

Fixes and improvements

  • Mobile logo image size fix
  • Press section image slider fix
  • Announcement bar font size slider fix

Version 1.0.7 - October 5, 2022

We've added fixes, improvements and new features

Fixes and improvements

  • Shipping bar fix when the cart is set to be a page
  • Compare at price drawer cart issue
  • Ability to change the opacity percentage in the theme settings for the hero section
  • Drawer menu transparant header bug
  • Sale price formatting fix
  • Grid thumbnails aren’t charging fix
  • Transparent header overlap drawer cart fix
  • View issue when QTY label is turned off fix
  • Buy it now button alignment fix
  • Search Result Product Grid
  • Quickview displaying when disabled fix
  • Buggy Sections on mobile have been optimized
  • Announcement bar loading fix
  • Issues with displaying content fix
  • Hero sections performance upgrades
  • Recommended image size dimensions for all sections have been added to the theme settings
  • Press + Reviews sections ability to adjust the logo size
  • Pop-up button on product pages view fix
  • Hero parallax effect improvement
  • Unable to zoom correctly on images on the product page fix
  • The mobile image doesn’t work for homepage sections fix

New features

  • Search Result Product Grid settings -New header variation has been added
  • Option to make images with text section links clickable
  • Clickable links to the featured image in the navigation
  • Ability to upload mobile-specific images in the hero section
  • Ability to have an empty hero without content
  • Mobile logo size settings have been added
  • Ability to adjust announcement bar font size
  • Active cart option is added

Version 1.0.6 - August 22, 2022


  • Wishlist feature removed as per request of Shopify.

Version 1.0.5 - July 20, 2022

We've added new useful features

New features

  • Wishlist feature
  • Complete HTML color palette are added to work as default color swatches
  • Buy now button added to the quick view modal
  • Featured collection section
  • Testimonials section
  • Recently viewed section
  • Adjustable product cards on the collection page
  • Logo section
  • Ability for splitting long descriptions on product page for SEO optimization with dynamic placing and custom splitter
  • Sale price color adjustments feature
  • Autoplay video - Product page video's on iOS with Vimeo Plus

Fixes and improvements

  • Footer logo loading fix
  • Breadcrumbs bug fix
  • Cart drawer, when free shipping message is enabled, without threshold bug fix
  • Extra note added on usage of additional checkout buttons feature - compitability optimization
  • Navigation bug when scrolling down and re-opening mobile navigation fix
  • Color swatch two words usage without "-" optimization
  • Newsletter modal closing bug fix and other improvements
  • Quickview button when animations are disabled fix
  • Filter price decimals removal after the comma

Version 1.0.4 - June 2, 2022

We've added general improvements and bugfixes


  • FAQ Page template has been added
  • Custom image swatches bug fix
  • Youtube video autoplay issue fix
  • Vimeo controls for video section fix

Version 1.0.3 - May 20, 2022

We've added new fixes and improvements as well as new features to give our merchants the ability to do more with our theme We've added the FAQ page template, and accordion section and added new options to the theme settings that will help customize the theme further

Fixes and improvements

  • Cart page add to cart fix
  • Video performance & player fix for iOS devices
  • Right-mouse click fix
  • Product page video iOS fix
  • Password page text-logo fix
  • Newsletter modal color fix
  • New features
  • Position the top CSS option for the collection images
  • Add the ability to hide the lines on the slideshow banner on the theme settings
  • FAQ page template
  • New accordion section

Version 1.0.2 - May 17, 2022

We've found a small bug with our cart page when cart drawer is turned off and fixed it

Fixes and other improvements

  • Important: Cart page fix when cart drawer is turned off
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