Announcement bar

You can add an announcement bar to display important information or promotional marketing messages about your business. You might add an announcement bar to highlight the following information:
- any shipping delays or regions not accepting international shipments
- any new or updated policy pages
- any promotions being offered at this time, such as sales or new gift cards
Color scheme settings:
Text: Default / Secondary / Inverse
Backgrounds and borders: Default / Secondary / Accent 1 / Accent 2 / Inverse / Light
Carousel settings:
Enabled when 2 or more blocks are present.
Autoplay interval: Between 2 and 6 seconds
Text slide:
Body text: Text box where you can enter a promotional text or advertisment
Dropdown cards:
Show dropdown cards: On / Off - this option is only available when a single text slide is selected
Backgrounds and borders: Default / Secondary / Accent 1 / Accent 2 / Inverse
Text: Default / Secondary / Inverse
Card settings:
Card title: text box for the card title
Card content: Text box for the card content
Link: Enter a link for the redirect
URL: Select a URL from within the theme
Note: The above settings can be found in all 3 cards.
Countdown timer:
Countdown timer: On / Off
Year: text box where you can enter the year
Month: Dropdown containing the list of months
Day: Toggle between 1 and 31 to select the exact day when the countdown finishes
Hour: Between 0 and 24
Minute: Between 0 and 59
Extend timer: Between 0 and 30 days
Note: If you set greater than 0, the last day of timer will be extended by this number of days.
Timer end message: text box where you can enter a representative message (e.g. The summer sale has ended").
Show day part: On / Off
Show hour part: On / Off
Show minute part: On / Off
Show second part: On / Off
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