Featured products

The Featured products section draws attention to a specific range of products on a page. With this powerful section, we recommend you to showcase new products, product launches, or specific promotions.
Featured products:
Desktop: Normal / Top none / Bottom none / Top and bottom none
Mobile: Normal / Top none / Bottom none / Top and bottom none
Layout: Style 1 / Style 2
Note: The setting from above affects the alignment of the heading, button and arrows.
Desktop gap: Select the gap between 2 and 64
Mobile gap: Select the gap between 2 and 64
Color scheme:
Text: Default / Secondary / Inverse
Backgrounds and borders: Default / Secondary / Accent 1 / Accent 2 / Inverse
Heading: Enter a heading for this section.
Text: Enter a text for the redirect button
URL: Select a link from within your store or enter a specific link
Button style: Filled / Outlined / Outlined inverse / Default
Note: Primary button style on theme settings is used when default is selected.
To add a collection, please head to the left hand side of the screen on the customizer and click on "Add collection" underneath the "Featured products" section.
List: Manually add products to be shown in this section.
Collection: Select a collection to be shown in this section.
Note: By selecting a collection, you will overwrite any manually selected products
Number of products: Choose between 4 and 12 products to be shown in this collection.
Show unavailable products: On / Off
Note: If enabled, products that are out of stock or unavailable will be displayed.
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